Washington High School
Class Of January 1963

- Classmate Forums
- Reunion Slide Show
- Reunion Photos
- Class Photos
- AUER AVE Kdgn Nov. 1950
- AUER AVE P3 Feb 1952
- AUER AVE P6 & P5 Oct. 1953
- AUER AVE 4A & 5B Oct. 1954
- AUER AVE 5A & 5B Nov. 1955
- AUER AVE 6A & 6B Nov. 1956
- Townsend 4th Grade 1954
- Sherman School 1954
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 1
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 2
- Wilbur Wright JH Class 1960
- Sherman School & Steuben JH
Wilbur Wright JH Class 1960
Graduating Class of January 1960
Front Row: Faye Wolkomir, Carole Schiff, Kathy Stauber, Betty Simone, Joyce Weber, Marianne Ebling, Marilyn Hovdet, Kathy Farkas, Carol Dinges, Susan Schrot, Kathy Warnemeunde, Jane Romadka
Second Row: Jane Batalden, Dianne Klukas, Carol Janke, Joan Stephens, Sandie Koenig, Janet Heiligenthal, Sandra Michelz, Polly Heinrich, Bonnie Cohen, Harriet Kohlenberg, Elaine Pelzer, Mary Ross, Mary Wehrle, Lois Lenz, Grace Taibl, Christine Yehl, Diane Tetslaff, Mary Kissinger, Sue Churchill
Third Row: Susan Hess, Cheryl Froehlich, Robert Markiewicz, Joe Hruska, Paul Ebert, Phil Kolmas, Doug Laurchart, Tom Frank, Keith Jung, Frank Graninger, John Ross, James Jablonowski, Jim Turney, Sharon Marlow, Joyce Komperda
Fourth Row: Joe Sytek, Fred Springer, Jerry Martin, Eugene Holland, Dan Bartell, John Garinger, Eddie Begalke, Harvey Peterson, Tom Senn, Stuart Messnick, Bill Schoenfeld. Dan Linder, Gerald Gensch, Dick Lange, John Wehrle
Fifth Row: Robert Hahn, George Seiden, Michael Sevener, Paul Ratke, Dennis Greene, Jim Schweder, John Bruggink, Doug Marver, Tom Mader, Jerry Chudnof, Fred Frey, Gerald Klassy
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