Washington High School
Class Of January 1963

- Classmate Forums
- Reunion Slide Show
- Reunion Photos
- Class Photos
- AUER AVE Kdgn Nov. 1950
- AUER AVE P3 Feb 1952
- AUER AVE P6 & P5 Oct. 1953
- AUER AVE 4A & 5B Oct. 1954
- AUER AVE 5A & 5B Nov. 1955
- AUER AVE 6A & 6B Nov. 1956
- Townsend 4th Grade 1954
- Sherman School 1954
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 1
- Peckham Jr. High 1960 Prt 2
- Wilbur Wright JH Class 1960
- Sherman School & Steuben JH
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